Join us for a cool 3D scanning adventure 🚀 and find out how important sizing is for the stuff we use and the places we hang out! 📏🎮
By participating, you help make the products we, as young people, use safer! 🛡️ Come along with your group of friends and get measured all at once.
When you sign up, you'll give your phone number; this way, you'll receive reminders, information, and you can ask any questions you have.
Our trained team of anthropometrists uses both handheld instruments and 3D scanners to measure various body dimensions. For example, they’ll measure the span of your arms and the length of your legs. These scanners take 360-degree photos with visible light, so they're totally harmless. 📸✨ Come in your tightest outfit, like sportswear or tight shorts, to boost the accuracy of the measurements. Please don't wear black or green textiles as that will not picked up by the scanners.
The measurement session lasts approximately 50 minutes, or one class period. The session will take place at school in a central room. Make sure to be at the room at the agreed time and have your parents give online consent beforehand. In consultation with your teacher, you are allowed to miss one class to participate in KidsCAN. Choose a class for a subject you’re doing well in!
If you have more questions, check out our
FAQ page. 🤔💬